Mentoring young people
I'm passionate about supporting children and young people from disadvantaged backgrounds to achieve their ambitions. As someone who had an underprivileged start in life, I know the impact felt by lack of connections with people 'in the know' and the effect it can have on the opportunities young people come across and have success in achieving.
I had initially thought I would achieve my ambition of mentoring when I retired, but then I was asked a very simple, yet powerful question - what can I do about it now?
I reflected on that question and I found two organisations to work with. One I found through a local website search; and another I came across in an old e-mail from an ex-colleague.
These charities are working to ensure children and young people have the skills needed to get ahead in the world. Every child and young person I've had the joy of mentoring has impressed me no end.
ReachOut - Mentoring that works ( supports school children in Liverpool, London, Manchester and Oldham through weekly term-time mentoring.
Leadership Through Sport & Business supports bright young people from disadvantaged backgrounds into meaningful roles with major firms.
I've included the links to both in case you're also able to support these organisations; and/ or you know of young people who could benefit from being involved.